Welcome to Week 6: Cloud Learning in K – 12 Education
We hope you all have had a relaxing and enjoyable Thanksgiving weekend. We welcome you to Week 6 of ETEC 522. This week’s topic is Cloud Learning in K – 12 Education.
Please visit our Emerging Market Analysis Weebly site at http://cloudlearning.weebly.com/
We have presented an overview of the content through six areas: What is Cloud Learning?; Advantages; Limitations; Uses in the Classroom; Examples and; Future Potential. Within these areas are nine activities. Please engage in as many as possible, as some are very short. Should you have any questions, concerns, additional thoughts and opinions that you would like to share with the group, we encourage you to do so. At the bottom of each page there is a comments section. Feel free to comment either there or back on the ETEC 522 blog.
Our group will be actively involved this week, reading and responding in all areas. We look forward to a wonderful week of learning together.
Jen, Colin, Kent, Avninder, and Ranvir

Posted in: Week 06:
Peggy Lawson 1:13 pm on October 8, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Thanks guys – this page packed a lot of useful information in a nice tidy package. It was nice to have a few different videos to watch – the repetition but with slight variations helped the information sink in, plus you had the text based article – very good to cover your bases regarding different learning preferences of your audience (us!). I had a pretty good general idea of cloud computer, but it was helpful to understand the difference between SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS. One of my questions this week will be about security, and having student information resided outside Canada. I know this is an issue in my own school division. Thanks to a great start! Peggy
jenbarker 2:52 pm on October 8, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Peggy,
Thanks for the compliments. I had a lot of questions too regarding security. Have you had a chance to view our limitations tab? Give that a read and try out the case study. I think it is going to generate an interesting discussion.
Take Care, Jen
stammik 8:49 am on October 10, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Your presentation offers excellent resources and is well curated team – thank you.
Here is a news item and infographic, I just noticed today, that reports on workers thoughts on Cloud computing and how the IT industry may be reacting to it – along with a few good comics to inject some humor. http://mashable.com/2012/10/09/infographic-cloud/
Kent Jamieson 12:14 pm on October 10, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Thanks for that Infographic. Some great truths hidden in those comics…especially how some people don’t even realize that their already using the cloud! And along with BYOD, the cloud has definitely created a few waves in our I.T. department…whether it be good, bad or ugly.
Thanks for the post!
jenbarker 10:08 pm on October 10, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Same in ours… I was told that when I use my own devices to access the cloud I am using up Bandwidth that was not meant for this and this is why our computer lab Wifi is slow. I have a hard time believing one little document was the cause. Maybe if everyone was accessing their Dropbox.